市場の衛生状態について。The hygiene of market.

※English is below Japanese.











※掃除後の築地場内の様子(After cleaning at Tsukiji market)

Today, I want to talk about hygiene of each markets.

They say Tsukiji is not clean.
In fact, the building is very old and there are so many shops together in Tsukiji,
so most people may look Tsukiji complexity and not clean.
However, even if you compare it with Toyosu, Tsukiji is cleaner so far than Toyosu.

Why? It’s because the shops use a lot of water everyday for cleaning in Tsukiji.
You can smell fish there but will not smell something rotten.
If you go there at 10 AM, you will see they start to brush the floor with deck brush and wash the floor and the display cabinet with water hoses.

The a lot of piled styrofoam cases are backed in others, into each storage.

Just seconds before, many items were displayed, but with just a minutes,
there will be nothing on cabinets indeed.
You will see Only the cabinets that have been used for long time and refrigerator.

The people works in shops do this work everyday.
They display items, put away and do cleaning.
With this work, they exclude the bacteria and prevent the seafood get rotten.
Because the seafood needs to be flesh most.

However, in the new Toyosu, they can’t do samething.
Because they can’t use a large amount of water anymore and the drain system is not suited for this amount of water.
In Tsukiji, sea each was able to use for work.
But in Toyosu, they needs to use tap water. It is natural theory to have the limit of using water.
Speaking about the draining system, although Tsukiji has been built since 80 years ago,
it has well drained stone paving and deep groove bold pipe.

So however they may use a large amount of water, or a piece of fish may be flowed, the drainig pipe will never stuck.

However, in Toyosu, the structure of pipesis easy to stuck soon, if a piece or kidney of fish is flowed.

It is impossible to keep seafood’s hygiene well and it makes the seafood rotten.

If the fleshness is lost, the tastes will be bad.

The worst thing is it will lower the quality of seafood, although they were carried with keeping their good quality.

The Tsukiji brand will be lower, too.

Why it was occured is the Tokyo government designed without watching and caring about the scenes.

They have left this problem to the market and haven’t taken any action for this problem still now.

Let’s keep watching this from now on, too.

other reference:


このブログの目的、そして再スタート。 Why I wrote this and restart of this blog.

※English is below Japanese.



From today, the big tokyo fish market moves to Toyosu from Tsukiji.
About this moving, so many problems has existed and most of them has not been solved still now.
I’m enthusiastic about food so I have been against this moving and this problem has been hooked in my mind.

In the news, this problem doesn’t often get spot light so much.
In the town, I hear some voices, it says ‘Tsukiji market should move to Toyosu faster.’,
then I thought most people recognized this problem as common daily news, only.
Besides, the people who live outside of Japan, they must not know this problem well.
Although, Tsukiji is world wide brand.

By chance, I can go to Tsukiji often, and I got to watch Tsukiji’s inside.
Then what I felt are,
Tsukiji is a really important function that have supported today’s japanese food culture,.
Tsukiji can be said as ‘a central kitchen of the world’.
Tsukiji has been supported by people.
And the people can get together because of today’s Tsukiji market.
However, by this movement, the market moves to Toyosu, these all great functions will be lose.

For leaving this market in Tsukiji, I have thought ‘What can I do for?’ for long time,
but I couldn’t find exact meaningful way.
It must be really late, but it is better than to do nothing,
I wrote a blog before once.
But, I couldn’t organize the contents well, so the blog was stopped updating.
However, I thought again, and felt it is wrong just to see this situation only.
So I have tried to write the blog as I felt from today. (Sorry for my English is still developing.)
In order to let many people know this situation and keep up today’s Tsukiji good quality then solve these problems, as long as I can.
To say more, I thought if we think about food with looking at the Tsukiji problem,
it leads to think about our life, more to say, think about future of Japan, world and environment.

It will be updated randomly, but if you like or feel same, please share this blog.


Why Tokyo force to proceed this movement.

Why Tokyo have wanted to proceed this plan forcefully despite of these issues.


The keyword is “Tokyo Olympic”.


In fact , a new road will be created as main road for connecting Tokyo Olympic players village and ground.

Now, a part of it is opened, but the course of this road will run at the place Tsukiji market exists.

Until Tokyo is decided as the place for Olympic, Tokyo had discussed about this topic,

But after the game was decided, they don’t have time to discuss.


It looks like they force to move the market to new place for this project.


Why this moving is opposed – the second part

This is the second part of the reason why this moving is opposed.

New tourist facilities, Senkyaku banrai

Tokyo government has been planned New Toyosu market has adjoining new facilities, Senkyaku banrai, for sightseeing.

According to
Tokyo, they estimates that about millions tourists will visit there in a year, but the workers at some of the market suppose it is very obstacle.

Besides, the new facility has another problem of carrying out products.

Because the carrying root of new facility compete against root of vegetable market.
If the road for new facility has traffic jam, it impacts road for the vegetable market terribly.

about this point, Tokyo says ‘the new facility needs permission for their carrying root by vegetable market.

However, vegetable market will needs the road indeed, so where does the new facility carry from?

With this problem, the business operator, Kiyomura and Daiwa kogyo expressed they will leave from this business.

Now , a new company, Manyo club Inc. express they will join this business, but the plan of Tokyo is not clear still now.


Soil contamination of Toyosu
Besides, another big Remarkable issue came into light.

The place that was planned as new market in Toyosu was a place where Tokyo gas’s product factory had placed.
For this fact, according to Soil survey, benzene that is Carcinogenic substance, as 43,000 much as Environmental standards is detected, in some soil.
Besides, another contamination products were detected a lot.

It is Fatal matter for the place where handles food.

The people who opposed this movement requested the government to cancel this project or delay this project.
Tokyo city announced they have a perfect solution for this, but it is difficult to clear their worries whose the workers and buyers at the market.

The next, I will describe the present situation.


Why this moving is opposed – the first part

This is the first part of the reason why this moving is opposed.

Bad traffic and logistics

At present, we have 3 markets in Tsukiji. fish wholesale and intermediate wholesale and fruit and vegetables market.
They stands very close each others.
However, the new market, these 3 buildings will be separated by national road.
It makes every access within each buildings and slow down the logistics speed.

Bad conditions for wokers and users of this building

The workers in Tsukiji market say ‘The new store is too small’ at the new market, it is hard to cut big fish like Maguro in the new store.
Tokyo government says the reason why is the rules for management of buildings and health have been more strict than 80 years before.

On the other hand, the space for tracks is too small and the traffic in the new market is hard to move, so there are a lot of problems still now.






C’est la première partie de la raison pour laquelle ce déplacement est opposé.

Mauvaise circulation et logistique

À l’heure actuelle, nous avons 3 marchés à Tsukiji. poisson en gros et intermédiaire en gros et marché des fruits et légumes.
Ils sont très proches les uns des autres.
Cependant, le nouveau marché, ces 3 bâtiments seront séparés par la route nationale.
Il rend chaque accès dans chaque bâtiment et ralentit la vitesse de la logistique.

Mauvaises conditions pour les wokers et les utilisateurs de ce bâtiment

Les travailleurs du marché de Tsukiji disent que «le nouveau magasin est trop petit» sur le nouveau marché, il est difficile de couper de gros poissons comme Maguro dans le nouveau magasin.
Le gouvernement de Tokyo dit que la raison pour laquelle les règles de gestion des bâtiments et de la santé ont été plus strictes que 80 ans auparavant.

D’un autre côté, l’espace pour les pistes est trop petit et le trafic sur le nouveau marché est difficile à déplacer, donc il y a encore beaucoup de problèmes.



Esta es la primera parte de la razón por la cual este movimiento es opuesto.

Mal tráfico y logística

En la actualidad, tenemos 3 mercados en Tsukiji. pescado al mayor e intermedio al por mayor y mercado de frutas y hortalizas.
Están muy cerca el uno del otro.
Sin embargo, el nuevo mercado, estos 3 edificios estarán separados por carretera nacional.
Hace cada acceso dentro de cada edificio y ralentiza la velocidad de la logística.

Las malas condiciones para los wokers y los usuarios de este edificio

Los trabajadores en el mercado de Tsukiji dicen ‘La nueva tienda es muy pequeña’ en el nuevo mercado, es difícil cortar pescado grande como Maguro en la nueva tienda.
El gobierno de Tokio dice que la razón por la cual las reglas para la administración de edificios y la salud han sido más estrictas que hace 80 años.

Por otro lado, el espacio para las pistas es demasiado pequeño y el tráfico en el nuevo mercado es difícil de mover, por lo que todavía hay muchos problemas.



the reason why Tsukiji needs to be move

1.Why Tsukiji is moved?

At first, Tsukiji has long history, it opens at 1953, then about 80 years past since it was built.

So the building has deteriorated, a part of buildings was broken, then they have some security of buildings .

Second, the structure of this market doesn’t have availability ,of expanding, so it is difficult to get space and some store have to put their products on the outside Temporarily. So it makes difficult situation for keeping quality and hygiene control of products.

Third, there are not so many space for large tracks caring in because at the beginning, it was assumed that train carries in.

Then the structure is not suited for today.

So Tokyo government started a plan to move to Toyosu in 2001.



2.Is it impossible to renovate ?

You may think “why not to renovate market in Tsukiji?”.

In fact, about the reasons that were explained above, it looks easy to be solved by renovation.

Actually, Tokyo government tried to re-organize Tsukiji market before.

from 1991, renovation had been started, but in 1996, this plan was stopped because one fact was found,

that this renovation costs more than the plan, a lot and takes 10 years more for complete.

Till this time, 40 billion yen seemed to have been used.

According to this, Tsukiji-renovation had been failed, so the government decided “Moving is easier and faster than renovating.” Finally.

However, these 2 paragraphs have been insisted by Tokyo government.



On the other hand, there are many people has opposed

Especially, the people who works in Tsukiji, against this plan seriously.

I will describe these reasons twice over next.



la raison pour laquelle Tsukiji doit être déplacer

1.Pourquoi Tsukiji est déplacé?

Au début, Tsukiji a une longue histoire, elle s’ouvre à 1953, puis à environ 80 ans depuis sa construction.

Donc le bâtiment s’est détérioré, une partie des bâtiments a été brisée, puis ils ont une certaine sécurité des bâtiments.

Deuxièmement, la structure de ce marché n’a pas de disponibilité, d’expansion, il est donc difficile d’obtenir de l’espace et certains magasins doivent temporairement mettre leurs produits à l’extérieur. Il est donc difficile de maintenir la qualité et le contrôle de l’hygiène des produits.

Troisièmement, il n’y a pas beaucoup d’espace pour les grandes voies car, au début, on supposait que le train y circulait.

Alors la structure n’est pas adaptée pour aujourd’hui.

Donc le gouvernement de Tokyo a commencé un plan pour aller à Toyosu en 2001.

2.Est-il impossible de rénover?

Vous pouvez penser “pourquoi ne pas rénover le marché à Tsukiji?”.

En fait, sur les raisons qui ont été expliquées ci-dessus, il semble facile d’être résolu par la rénovation.

En fait, le gouvernement de Tokyo a essayé de réorganiser le marché de Tsukiji auparavant.

à partir de 1991, la rénovation a commencé, mais en 1996, ce plan a été arrêté parce qu’un fait a été trouvé,

que cette rénovation coûte plus que le plan, beaucoup et prend 10 ans de plus pour compléter.

Jusqu’à cette fois, 40 milliards de yens semblaient avoir été utilisés.

D’après cela, Tsukiji-rénovation avait échoué, alors le gouvernement a décidé que «déménager est plus facile et plus rapide que de rénover». Enfin.

Cependant, ces deux paragraphes ont été soulignés par le gouvernement de Tokyo.


D’un autre côté, il y a beaucoup de gens qui s’y sont opposés

Surtout, les gens qui travaillent à Tsukiji, contre ce plan sérieusement.

Je vais décrire ces raisons deux fois par la suite.



la razón por la cual Tsukiji necesita moverse

1. ¿Por qué se mueve Tsukiji?

al principio, Tsukiji tiene una larga historia, se abre en 1953, luego unos 80 años desde que se construyó.

Así que el edificio se ha deteriorado, una parte de los edificios se rompió, luego tienen algo de seguridad en los edificios.

En segundo lugar, la estructura de este mercado no tiene disponibilidad, se está expandiendo, por lo que es difícil conseguir espacio y algunas tiendas tienen que colocar sus productos en el exterior temporalmente. Por lo tanto, es una situación difícil para mantener la calidad y el control de la higiene de los productos.

En tercer lugar, no hay mucho espacio para las pistas de gran tamaño, ya que al principio se suponía que el tren entraba.

Entonces la estructura no es adecuada para hoy.

Entonces el gobierno de Tokio comenzó un plan para mudarse a Toyosu en 2001.

2. ¿Es imposible renovar?

Usted puede pensar “¿por qué no renovar el mercado en Tsukiji?”.

De hecho, acerca de las razones que se explicaron anteriormente, parece fácil de resolver mediante la renovación.

De hecho, el gobierno de Tokio intentó reorganizar el mercado de Tsukiji antes.

desde 1991, la renovación había comenzado, pero en 1996, este plan se detuvo porque se encontró un hecho,

que esta renovación cuesta más que el plan, mucho y toma 10 años más para completarse.

Hasta este momento, 40 mil millones de yenes parecían haber sido utilizados.

Según esto, la renovación de Tsukiji había fallado, por lo que el gobierno decidió “mudarse es más fácil y más rápido que renovarlo”. Finalmente.

Sin embargo, estos 2 párrafos han sido insistidos por el gobierno de Tokio.


Por otro lado, hay muchas personas que se han opuesto

Especialmente, la gente que trabaja en Tsukiji, en contra de este plan en serio.

Describiré estas razones dos veces en el próximo.


The purpose of this blog at present

Talk about Moving Tukiji fish market.

This blogger is opposition of moving Tsukiji.

I think this topic is not understood well in foreign countries.

I will tell why I take this topic as an important matter.

Because it is related

  1. to preserve everything good about food
  2. to preserve good culture
  3. to preserve good life and make life.

Tsukiji is going to move to Toyosu in this October, and we have only about 2 month left.

I want to give info about it and make your understanding better, as long as I can.

I want to hear your voice.

From now, I would like to tell about today’s situation, the reasons and issues of moving Tsukiji.



But de ceci blog present

Parler de se delocalisant Tsukiji Marché aux poissons.

Je ne suis pas d’accord ceci toi.

Je pense il n’est pas bien compris à l’étranger.

Je vais dire pourquoi je prends ce sujet comme une question importante.

Parce que c’est lié

  1. pour préserver tout bien sur la nourriture
  2. préserver une bonne culture
  3. pour préserver la bonne vie et faire la vie.

Tsukiji va déménager à Toyosu en octobre, et il ne nous reste plus que 2 mois.

Je veux donner des informations à ce sujet et améliorer votre compréhension, aussi longtemps que possible.

Je veux entendre ta voix.

A partir de maintenant, je voudrais parler de la situation d’aujourd’hui, les raisons et les problèmes de déplacement Tsukiji.



El propósito de este blog en la actualidad

Hablar sobre mover el mercado de pescado Tukiji.

Este blogger es la oposición de mover Tsukiji.

Creo que este tema no se entiende bien en el extranjero.

Diré por qué tomo este tema como un asunto importante.

Porque está relacionado

  1. para preservar todo lo bueno de la comida
  2. preservar la buena cultura
  3. para preservar la buena vida y hacer la vida.

Tsukiji se mudará a Toyosu en octubre y solo nos quedan 2 meses.

Quiero dar información al respecto y mejorar su comprensión, siempre que pueda.

Quiero oír tu voz.

A partir de ahora, me gustaría contarles sobre la situación actual, las razones y los problemas para mudarnos a Tsukiji.


*I want more people to know this issue, so I will write in 3 language at this moment.

if you find something wrong , let me know. Thank you.